The Retro Paris Tour (1h)

The Retro Paris Tour : Discover Paris by vintage Citroen car!

Our vintage citroen tour 1hr is perfect for a quick and efficient introduction to Paris
From the Eiffel Tower to the little cobble stones streets, we’ll create a unique ride just for you!

If you come to Paris and wish to focus on the main monuments, a typical itinerary can include :

The Champs-Elysees
The Grand Palais
The Petit Palais
The Eiffel Tower
Alexandre III Bridge
Assemblée Nationale
Arc de Triomphe
Notre Dame
Opera Garnier
Hotel de Ville
Pont des Arts
The Louvre Museum
Saint-Germain des Prés church
Palais de Justice

But if you wish to discover less known areas, we know many beautiful spots such as :

Place de la Contrescarpe
Place du Marché Sainte Catherine
Place des Vosges
The little streets of Saint-Germain des Prés
… and so much more!

When starting, the driver will discuss with you and tailor the itinerary according to it!

– Description of the Retro Paris Tour (1h) –

Duration : 1h
Pick up & drop off : Anywhere from the 1st to the 9th ( central Paris )
Number of people : Up to 3 adults ( Citroen 2CV ) Up to 4 adults ( Citroen Traction )
Type of car : French Citroen 2CV (90€) / French Citroen Berline Traction (140€)

    Choose the date :

    Choose the time :

    Choose your vintage Citroen Tour :

    Number of participants ( 3 max. for the 2CV / 4 max. for the Traction ) :

    Pick up address :

    Payment method :

    Phone contact ( recommended ) :